Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Q1: How did you come into the field of treating Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration, Optic nerve atrophy and other eye ailments?

A: I am an MBBS and was practicing modern medicine till 1997. After that, I learnt Acupuncture and started practicing this system.

It was in the year 2000 that I successfully treated a case of loss of central vision due to injury resulting in blood clot in the macula of a young patient. Encouraged by the results, I developed an interest in this field. Although this patient was also termed as having no treatment in the modern medicine, he gained near normal vision. However, subsequent development into this field was not easy. It has taken me years to reach where I am today. Nurturing and growing in this field is a continuous process.

I would like to share here that I never ever imagined that one day I would be working in this field of medicine simply because a M.B.B.S doctor would never have been able to enter such a field.

Q: 2 We know that there is no cure for such ailments in Modern Medicine but many practitioners in Traditional Medicine are practising in these ailments; how do you compare your results with the other practitioners?

A: It is up to you to compare, but I have cured many legally blind patients with this technique. They are now self-dependent and are continuing same improvement, even after 10 years. This gives me immense satisfaction.

Moreover when I receive an invitation from the U.S. Acupuncture  Association requesting to publish my results or I get a chance to speak at the Indian Medical Association, all this explains where I stand.

Q: 3 Do you follow up these patients for any decline in improvement?

A: Yes I do follow up with these patients. I am happy to state that more than 90% of my patients have confirmed that there is no decline. In fact, they have given me feedback about the further improvement in vision even after completed the treatment.

Q 4Have you ever analyzed why remaining the 10% of patients have not continued with same improvement?

A: Yes I have. There are many reasons for this. There are patients simultaneously suffering from other diseases. For example, one patient slowly lost improvement after a course of chemotherapy as he was suffering from throat cancer. Some patients do not follow advice and precautions given to them while some have habits like chewing tobacco, smoking etc. which are known to be detrimental for these eye diseases.

Q: 5What are some of these other causes? Please explain.

A: There are more than many  types of genes responsible for retinitis pigmentosa. Some are very virulent. If the patient is has that type of gene, it is difficult to sustain improvement over a longer period of time and patient has to take up repeated courses of treatment every year or so but luckily these patients are very few in number. The other causes could be because of severely deranged body constitutions.


Number of identified retinal genes from 1980 to 2006



Q: 6 Does it mean that it is mandatory to have a genetic check prior to starting treatment or is it that, if any patient suffers again, you have an excuse?

A: This is not so. Looking at the history of the patient itself, it becomes clear that the patient might have this type of gene. If after developing a symptom, the patient loses vision in a very short time, there are chances that he/she will need repeat courses due to such a genetic makeup.




Q: 7What do you mean by the term ‘Assimilated Technique’ to cure such ailments. Please elaborate? In other places, you have also termed it as a ‘unique programme’. Does it mean taking all the credit for it by yourself only?


Various healing techniques have been combined in this system. But the basic plan is Acupuncture. We have harmoniously combined Acupuncture, Traditional Indian knowledge, Vedic knowledge  which also includes Vedic Astrology, Nutritional aspects based on constitution of patient and the most important is the understanding of the regeneration of lost tissue in the traditional system. Due to this reason it is necessary to treat one patient at a time and it takes about 3 hours every day. It is a committed treatment.

Precautions have been taken while combining all these systems, so they work in synergy. I observed the application of these techniques for a long time and have slowly learnt how to combine them.

Though these additions have helped a lot, in the beginning it took me 6 months to a year to gain useful vision. Now it takes me 12 days and the results are better in all aspects of vision loss.









There is no question of taking credit. In fact if you go through the home page of the website, it is very clear that whatever is achieved here is due to our senior practitioners in this field. I feel that in the field of medicine, there should be no question of taking credit and recognition will come spontaneously. There should also be no patents if we want this field to develop to highest standards.


Q: 8You say that you are using astrology in treatment planning, is it not quackery?

A: I started the anti-quackery movement in India and became the president of the Quackery Eradication Committee at the Indian Medical Association and was conferred with President and Secretary appreciation awards of Delhi and Indian Medical Association during  the period of 1993 -1997. I have written the first ever book on this subject which is foreworded by the then Delhi Health Minister. How can I do a quackery?

Now coming to astrology, it is being explored by many countries. Besides being a doctor, I am a qualified Vedic Astrologer also and have been collecting data for such patients since the last 10 years. There are many combinations in Astrology which indicate eye diseases in a native. But more importantly we can help a patient by planning the treatment using this science? We have definitely gained success in treatment planning using the knowledge from astrology. It is a good adjuvant.




Q: 9Vedic Astrology revolves around birth details of a patient. Does it mean that if a patient does not have birth details, you cannot treat him/her?

A: It is not so. If a patient has his birth details, it is an adjuvant but it does not mean that we cannot treat in the absence of birth details. Astrology is a divine knowledge. If a patient can get benefitted, why shouldn’t we use it?






Q:10 Modern Medicine says retinal cells are modified cells of central nervous system and these cells do not divide after birth. This simply means that if any cell dies, it cannot be replaced as other body tissues are replaced. So is it not totally unscientific when you claim that regeneration of these cells occurs?

A: It is an old concept that retinal cells do not regenerate. In fact, modern medicine itself recently proved that, under special circumstances, these cells divide and regenerate.

If regeneration was not possible, how could there be any changes in Fundus photos and other investigations of such patients?











In fact whenever a patient comes to me, many cells in the retina are in the various stages of degeneration. Some of these are easy to revive while some take more time and some do not respond. In 90% of the cases, we get an idea just after first sitting how patient will respond further.




Q:11 Retinitis pigmentosa is a genetic disorder. Does it mean that you claim to have a cure for genetic disorders by this technique?

A: Yes. It is a genetic disorder. But, I do not claim that this technique will eliminate the responsible gene from the bo



Q: 12Then how do you claim your results are long lasting if you cannot eliminate the responsible gene from the body?

A: It is a good question. Actually genes of R.P are recessive. Further it means that in genetic disorders, there are two type of genes: dominant genes and recessive genes.

If any disease is due to dominant genes, it very difficult to manage and usually have a definite course.

Luckily RP genes are recessive. Have you not seen that all the members of the same family are not showing symptoms of this disease or it is not seen in many generations but affects a particular person?

Have you ever thought as to why disease is appearing in a  particular person?

Actually the genetic factor is not solely responsible for the appearance of symptoms. There are some constitutional deficiencies in the body of the affected person due to which that gene can affect the eyes. In both the Chinese and Indian traditional systems of treatment, we can analyse these deficiencies and correct them.






This is contrast to Modern Medicine where we advise nutritional supplements to each and every one based on chemical analysis. Here we prescribe nutritional supplement in the form of herbs or advise a particular food based on constitution of the particular person. Likewise we can easily treat constitutional deficiency with acupuncture also and these help a lot of patients to feels a difference. If the constitutional deficiency is corrected, the same gene now stops affecting the retina. This seems unimaginable but it is true. If you go through the history of patients and their follow ups, you will see the truth.

Actually the medicine from the east is well known for correction of constitutional deficiencies or excesses. You might have seen a news item showing the effect of yoga in arresting a genetic disorder.






Q: 13How many sittings/days are needed to cure a person?

A: Depends on the condition of the patient, how much vision loss there is and on what type of loss is there as well as the degree of loss. Common complications in RP are loss of central vision, loss of peripheral vision, loss of depth perception, loss of night vision, color vision deficiency , poor visual acuity and difficulty in sunlight. While in macular degeneration, loss of central vision more prominent .

Before promising any improvement, we advise certain examinations to assess the condition and then promise improvement based on how much loss is there. Please note that not all types of loss are cured 100%. By experience we know how much loss can be reversed.

In mild to moderate conditions, usually one course of 12 days is sufficient. For severe loss, it may require one or even two additional courses.

But the second course is given only after patient is satisfied with the results from the first course and the patient himself feels that the results have lasted for a year or so.

So the patient is not 100% cured in severe loss but our thrust remains to make the patient independent at least in all his activities.









Q: 14How is your system different from Microsystem Acupuncture?

A: Microsystem acupuncture is also a good system and is based on a concept. It is also true that the whole body is represented by many particular bodily organs. Specifically hands and eyes are also represented in different parts of body surface by stimulating these points you can somehow have positive effects on eyes due to increase in blood supply or due to some other mechanism. So effects are always there but usually the patient does not sustain these positive effects as there is no way in microsystem to correct the constitution of patient. Besides, there is a separate treatment protocol developed in our system depending upon the different complications that the patient is suffering from.

Sometimes we also use some microsystem points but only after correcting basic constitutional deficiencies.



Q: 15I have been told that there is on-going research in the field of stem cell therapy, artificial retina and retinal implants and  within 5 years there will be a breakthrough in the treatment options for treating RP and macular degeneration  and it will become like cataract surgery. What are your thoughts on this?

A: I hope it could be but it is not happening in spite of putting all resources all over the world  into it. They are not reaching towards desired results. Often we hear news that retinal implants have been developed and  patient is able to see a shadow of object but not going further. This is happening for the last five years. Why?





Because the eyes capture images but it is our brain that visualizes after constituting the object. There are other areas of the brain besides the visual cortex that are simultaneously involved in analyzing and synthesizing all this information from the retina very quickly and we are able to “SEE”. These electric impulses to different areas of the brain are carried by the optic nerve which is involved in retinitis pigmentosa. At Acupuncture India Centre, we are able to revive this Optic Nerve Atrophy.





So far research is developing an artificial retina but incorporating this with different areas of the brain. However, this has not been successful because of the complexities of the problem. I am not able to foresee that in the near future. It can be attained based on their expertise in this field.

In the era when live in, kidney or heart transplant are routine. We are not able to transplant a retina. The only organelle we are able to transplant in eye is the cornea through eye donation. Even if one day we are able to transplant a retina, it would be like a skin transplant which gives rise to same disease again.This is because constitutional factors are not corrected. Same is the reason why improvement from microsystem acupuncture is short lived. It is the same case with stem cell therapy.

Q:16 Have you heard about LASER  in Acupuncture. Do you use it?

A: Laser apparatus for Acupuncture are available in the market and the cost is also prohibitive. These are around INR two lacs (roughly 3000 USD). However, this has been a debatable point that LASER should not be used in Acupuncture because of the reported adverse effects. I feel that it should be thoroughly examined by experts. Moreover, many renowned acupuncturists of international fame opined that there is nothing like plain acupuncture needles for best results. I do not use laser in acupuncture.









Q: 17In other words do you want to say that only your technique will be beneficial to patient and it is the only ray of hope?

A: I do not claim this. Every system of treatment, even not mentioned in these pages, have its own role and attitude of supremacy should not be there at least in the area of healthcare. I definitely want my technique to be incorporated into Modern Medicine and should be used for betterment of mankind. Why should the principles of Eastern Medicine not be examined and verified by Modern Medicine itself?


Hippocrates 460 BC Father of Modern Medicine

In whose name Graduates of Modern Medicine are administered oath






Q: 18  What are your future plans?

A: Besides seeking recognition and establishing this technique, ultimately I want to start such a unique eye hospital using this technique.